The Path to Optimal Women's Health
The Path to Optimal Women's Health
So often women are told that their symptoms are 'all in their head' or part of 'the price of being a woman.' This is simply not true.
If you are a woman, menstrual cramps, chronic fatigue, fibroids, postpartum depression and osteoporosis do not need to be a part of your health story. The Path to Optimal Women's Health is the 11th self-help book for the public by the founder of Symptometry. Yet it is the first of its kind: devoted entirely to explaining the cause of and providing a solution for the full range of female health issues.
A simple, easy-to-read book, Dr. Maxwell Nartey combines over 16 sciences with over 20 years of research to help women and families everywhere enjoy disease free bodies, more fulfilling relationships, and the peace of mind that comes with optimal health.