Dear Jim: I'm Stressing Over my Son's Divorce

by: Jim Duzak, JD.

Dear Jim: My son is 34 and married to what I used to think was a lovely young woman. But three months ago she announced she wanted a divorce.

There apparently is no one else in her life — or in my son’s life, I should add, and no specific reason she’s unhappy. The only explanation she’s given my son is that she has “fallen out of love.” My son is heartbroken about this and my husband and I are, too. The case is moving forward in court, and my son’s lawyer says there’s nothing that can be done to stop it. My son is ready, willing, and able to get marriage counseling, but my daughter-in-law says it’s too late for that. It just doesn’t seem right that one person can end a marriage totally on her own, for no good reason.

The Divorce may be final, but the Careless Use of Social Media Lingers On

by: Tasher

Your divorce is final, and now you may think its OK to start trashing your ex on social media, well think, again. Anything you post can and in many cases will be used against you. This is especially true if you have children.

Many times a person has posted comments and photos about their fun night out and the next thing they know they are in court explaining what they were doing and why those comments were made. Don’t worry — you won’t have to tell your ex about your life. There are many people that will be very happy to share the information.

Even If It Is Not Illegal, Airing Dirty Laundry Hurts

by: Tasher

Paul and Lilly had gone through a very painful divorce. Like many, during their separation, they both had un-friended each other. They had adult children that were on both of their friend lists on the social network. Unfortunately, neither had blocked the ex nor set the privacy to friends only, and the default setting was used so friends of friends could read posts. Lilly found out that Paul had been reading her posts and going to her page through the children’s account. One evening Lilly decided she was going to teach Paul a lesson. Lilly posted a detailed description of her sexual activities with her new beau. Then she went on to compare him to Paul including, but not limited to, their physical abilities. Paul was furious, and without thinking he posted several of the secrets Lilly had shared with him over the years including her deepest fears and many closely guarded painful memories including how she felt when her parents divorced.

Divorcing a Narcissist

by: Tina Swithin

With statistics showing that Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is on the rise, the Family Court System is being taken by storm.

Sadly, the system is not equipped to deal with the gale force winds that a narcissist can create. For those who are preparing to divorce a narcissist or those who may be in the thick of it, it is imperative that you have a team of individuals who understand the dynamics of personality disorders and high conflict divorces.

Can No Child Support Mean No Visitation?

by: Jim Duzak, JD

Dear Jim:

I’m divorced and have two kids (9 and 5). The divorce decree says that my ex can have the kids on weekends. It also says he’s required to pay child support of $700 per month. Three months ago, he was laid off from his job. He made one support payment after that but then stopped, saying he was broke. He then filed papers with the Family Court asking that the child support be suspended or reduced while he’s unemployed. But he still expects to be able to see the kids every weekend.

My Journey to Protect My Children

by: Tina Swithin

I plopped down on a therapist’s couch for the first time when I was in my early 20’s. That visit was prompted by a severely dysfunctional relationship that thankfully, came to an end. One of the first goals I set with the therapist was to sort through my baggage and make healthier relationship decisions moving forward. More than anything, I wanted to avoid sitting in a therapist’s office at the age of 35. I even verbalized this fear to my therapist.